Analyze Real Estate Disclosures
with Confidence

Don't miss critical details in your next property purchase

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DiscloseFlow Demo

Fast Analysis

Get detailed insights about property disclosures in minutes, not hours

Thorough Review

Never miss important details with our comprehensive analysis

Secure & Confidential

Your documents are encrypted and handled with the utmost security

How It Works

Three simple steps to understand your property disclosures


Upload Documents

Upload your disclosure documents in any common format


AI Analysis

Our AI analyzes every detail of your documents


Get Insights

Receive a detailed report with key findings and potential concerns

See it in Action

Experience how DiscloseFlow can transform your property analysis

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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about DiscloseFlow

While our AI provides reliable analysis, it's designed to be a helpful first pass of your documents, not a replacement for human review. We recommend using DiscloseFlow as a tool to help identify potential areas of interest that warrant closer examination by professionals.

DiscloseFlow currently supports PDF documents. We can analyze seller's disclosures, inspection reports, HOA documents, and other property-related disclosures in PDF format.

Most documents are analyzed within 2-3 minutes. Larger documents or multiple files may take slightly longer. You'll receive a notification when your analysis is ready.

Yes! We offer special pricing and features for real estate teams and brokerages. Visit our partnerships page to learn more.

We take privacy and data security seriously. All uploaded documents and information are encrypted and stored securely. We're happy to remove any documents or data upon request and we never share your data without permission.

DiscloseFlow is designed to assist agents while respecting brokerage requirements. We serve as an analysis tool that helps you review disclosures more efficiently - similar to using software like Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF reader to review documents. While we securely store your documents for analysis, you maintain control over your data and can request removal at any time. Many agents from major brokerages already use DiscloseFlow as part of their disclosure review process, as it complements (rather than replaces) their existing workflow.

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